What are Conflict Free Diamonds

When one thinks of diamonds, one might also think ‘blood diamond’, which isn’t only the title of a famous movie. Indeed, during the 1980’s and until the end of the 1990’s, diamonds have unfortunately been associated to wars in some African countries like Angola or Liberia. This has done a lot of harm to the diamond industry, since Africa has always been a major diamond provider on the market.
This is why the World Diamond Congress in Antwerp has created the Kimberley process, which is an international certification system that controls the export and import of all diamonds in the world. 80% of the diamonds produced worldwide are sent through Antwerp and they do not enter the country without a Kimberley certificate.
You might have noticed that all of our diamonds are labelled ‘conflict free’. Actually, you won’t find any stone on our website that does not bear this mention. As diamond dealers, we can guarantee you that all of our natural colored diamonds have been strictly controlled. Indeed, it is of utmost importance to us to let you know that the diamonds you buy are conflict free.