AIGS Warning: Fake Reports Bearing its Logo.

[Rapaport] The Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences (AIGS) has issued a warning to the international diamond industry over fake gemstone reports bearing its logo.
The counterfeit reports contain a working QR code that directs users to a fake website with the suffix co, rather than com.
Fake report (left), genuine report (right). Credit: AIGS.
“Some unscrupulous people have decided to rip off customers by using AIGS’s name,” AIGS chairman Kennedy Ho said last week. “Indeed, they have created fake AIGS reports which look like genuine ones.”
The only way to be sure a report is genuine is to check the AIGS website - www.aigsthailand.com- directly, or to send AIGS a photo of the report by email, he noted.
Ho added, “AIGS will be taking legal action to the highest extent of the law towards the perpetrators and those who use the fake reports with the intent to mislead others.”